Engaged? Congratulations, Now What?
Got engaged? Congratulations! Now it is time to start your wedding planning. Lets make it fun and relaxing! First of all lets start with something light, lets choose your main color or couple. For some it is a pretty easy tasks, especially if you already have a had a color in mind for quiet a while. But if it is truly a challenge for others, do not be discouraged. Here are couple tips how to do it easiest way and with good thought in mind. First of all, think about your most favorite color, or just look in your closet and see which is the most dominant color there, except for black, of course; unless, it is your most favorite. If it does not work,then look through some colorful magazine and pick pictures from there which caught your eye. Cut the m out and place them on a board,then try to see which color was on the most of them. Keep your favorite in mind and go shop for a venue. This is important because depending on your venue and colors there, you will later buy decorations and the rest of things for your special day. Pay attention to the colors, shades and architecture of the venues. If a venue is older, it is common to see there lots of dark colors on the walls, floor, drapery and etc. Be aware of it, for if this is a case then you will have to use more of pastel colors and just make your main color as an accent. If a venue a newer structure with white walls and overall pastel colors, then feel free to go wild (but not too wild) with yours. The rule is we do not want the colors clash as in older venues, but we do not want them to be all white and boring either, so in both situations we need to complement them with the surrounding. By doing this, we will be able to create a warm, beautiful, relaxing and festive atmosphere which our guests will gladly enjoy. All of these said, I will need to add that it is also important to consider the season in which your celebration will be held. In summer use bright colors, in summer feel free to use pastel colors with a touch of bright ones, but not some many pastel colors or even none for winter and cold season, for the create even colder atmosphere. You may choose to use deep colors during fall such as orange, burgundy, teal to name some. Last but not least, do not overuse the main color, instead use different
shades of it to create a better, lighter on eyes look. For more help especially finding the right shade, feel free to contact iDesignEvents and our consultant will guide you in the world of most beautiful colors and shades. May your preparations will be full of joy and relaxation!
Those who are looking for a great event planner can get one by contacting us at iDesignEvents in Santa Clara, CA.
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